Monday, April 10, 2017

4.10.17 Bookworms

I visited the school last week and when I passed Liza's classroom I laughed and gasped. It was easy to tell her desk among all the others. The pile of books almost as tall as her gave it away! That girl loves!!! books. She carries one with her at all times everywhere even while doing chores she has a small backpack on her back with a book or three. Her larger school backpack (lifetime guarantee) is falling apart because of the 50+ lbs she hauls daily to and from school. 

To put this into perspective. This is her plack. Over 4000+ Accelerated Reader points. She is up to 8000. The next closest reader in the same grade hit 3000+. She is talented and speed reading is an added perk.

So with that talent, a motivated teacher, and some like minded friends they won regionals and headed to state. All because of reading. They got a one night paid for hotel room, a fun contest and lots of memories to build on for next year! Pictured are 9 lovely ladies from our town who all competed at the state level. Ironic they both went out on the same question in the same round.

She took this very seriously(reading all 16 books 4-6x. In addition to her other reading, school, and chores) and had a great time. Away from home on her own with another family. We missed her dearly and prayed a lot for her and anxiously awaited every text that came. Again so thankful for the various opportunities that are found in our small rural town and the host of teachers that make it happen.

And the most recent awards assembly. Reading, academics, and Reed got a citizenship. Makes a difference for these kiddos to get those pieces of paper. Probably a bit jaded with so many assemblies behind me, but I appreciate the willingness of their teachers to keep learning fresh and exciting, and to lead them through the battle of new skills and thoughts. We are blessed to work with a great group of responsive, respectful, and righteous teachers. I cannot raise these kiddos alone. I appreciate the help we get enormously.

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