Monday, April 24, 2017

4.24.17 Mechanics

Our dad is busy. He works long hours providing for us, so consequently we don't get him at home to love and squeeze on much. The little girls particularly miss their dad. The other kids get him in the morning and some time with him after school but the little girls are pretty segregated. Thus they eat-up time at his shop. 

I was talking to Greg and noticed this sweet little terror loving on her dad. 

She was up half the night so can't say she is my favorite today but she is sure cute.
My little Harold has morphed into tall as dad big helper! Time has gone very fast looking back. Forward seems eternal but back is almost the blink of an eye. I sure miss having Harold around. He had become my go to muscle fix it guy here and now he is learning more skills from dad. We are thankful he is able to do so much as Greg is very short handed. Even though we have a large group when it comes to enough hands able to do the work there always seems to be a shortage.

I love watching these two work together and am so thankful for the time they have had to learn how to work together. Harold has gained understanding and appreciation for his dad's skills and work ethic and Greg has gained understanding and insight into who his son is. Win win!

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