Wednesday, April 12, 2017

4.12.17 Sunday Evening

Raising this family of mine has been very different from my growing up adventures. I have siblings and thus am an Aunt. Being the mom of the biggest group I'm not very good at this. I console myself with the thought I provided the cousins. My sisters are far better aunts providing and thinking in terms of fun and togetherness. We were able to attend one such family gathering this weekend. 

The pink brigade. They had a great time exploring, chatting and throwing rocks in the pond.

My cool thoughtful sister providing bubbles. Thank goodness no one followed them into the water.

Some quiet time just pondering and soaking up the natural beauty of this magnificent earth. Even more lovely this year with all the rain and snow. I sorely miss easy family time like this, we get busy with other stuff too often these days. Just like the pioneers greedily and happily consumed dandelion greens after a winter of bland salt pork and flour meals I gulp the time in the beautiful green outdoors in the spring time. Added bonus my kids and strong husband there to talk to and laugh with.

Cousin showing her treasure yard. There is a boat! A real boat just needing a driver and some willing riders and wahoo! Adventure around every corner and cloud. This was a great evening calm and peaceful. I applauded my ability to carry my two youngest (individually) not so out of shape as I feared. And I enjoyed the time just visiting and being outside. I always tell the kids stop reading about adventures and go have some of your own. I'm just as bad.
So it was nice to go somewhere else and have an adventure. Thanks Ty and Rachel for patiently hosting us and reminding us what is truly the best!

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