Tuesday, April 25, 2017

4.25.17 Reaping

My brother taught me today the main thing he is learning from older and wiser farmers: It does no good to get mad when things go wrong. This observation was MAYBE driven home this weekend. 

A mere 4 months ago I had a not too happy confrontation with leaders about this guy. Since that time I have stewed and fretted,  we have worked hard at home and tracking down lost information,  and worked together  with leaders to get him where I thought he was then. 

As I sat at the meeting last night listening to the telling of adventures and thinking about his enjoyment in the program, I realized AGAIN (as I have been realizing through the work of the 4 months) he has gained far more than a lot of badges. He has earned true friends, good memories, and learned a lot from patient men who willingly take these boys on outings.
As I watched my next son eagerly listen to the possibilities I'm thankful he will have this opportunities too.

A few days before we were here. A long short walk down memory lane. Anna got her greenhand degree then got the star greenhand award. I think all of my siblings and my dad got this award. She gave the creed before the ceremony and did her best recitation to date.
Exciting events to end her inaugural year in FFA. There are so many possibilities in her next 4 years. She has traveled many miles with that blue and gold jacket this year. She is preparing for another big trip! So fun.

This lady is beginning her trek into teen hood. She is a willing cook, although too often is left to her own novice understanding and the end product isn't normal. She did this casserole perfectly though. I love her eagerness to try! And am so thankful to come home to food ready to be eaten!

The best part of bigger kids is their ability to get things done! Often more timely and creative than I would dream.

Part of lunch this weekend. The girls are so much better at presentation than I. Thank goodness. I often wonder what we are turning out here?  I'm thankful to see they are doing just fine and although there are many days and nights of hand ringing and even some fighting and lots of patience. Nonetheless and usually for the better than I could hope for, life is working out. I mostly write that because I read my blog the most of anyone and so I need the reminder, it's gonna be okay eventually even when it's not today.

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