Tuesday, April 11, 2017

4.11.17 A happy Family/ Feeling the spirit.

Some days are very full! We did this (pulling trees) and a merit badge fair, and missionary work this weekend.
That led to this! Love these moments.

To this! Addie asked last week what the spirit felt like. I can honestly say it feels happy! It feels peaceful, it feels so good to be. Not Christmas excited good but just good! Like perfect day sunshine good. or holding a content sleeping baby on your chest!

We were laughing so hard we didn't get more than 5 verses of scriptures in but sometimes that's just okay.

John is a riot. He studies humor writers for new material. He has an innocent wit and a bravery of truding into battle zones of family feuds to diffuse the tension with jokes, observations, or anecdotes He has read or dreamed up. I love him! Peacemakers come in all forms.
 While I wonder if our lack of serious scripture study will be detrimental I am comforted that the strength of family unity will outweigh our lack. That was a long day complete with too much too do, not enough hands, unexpected cancelled plans, and the final decision to just stay put. The end result of true laughter and love was worth the cost.
 I love the gospel I love the unexpected joys that come from being obedient to the living prophet. This Easter week as I ponder and teach more about our Savior Jesus Christ I am filled with joy and love for the hope of living with Him again, for forgiveness and help with my many weaknesses and shortcomings, and the great peace that comes from knowing Him. Happy Easter!

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