Wednesday, April 5, 2017

4.5.17 General Conference Surprise

Harold is blessed with many good leaders in his life. His current leader offered to take the young men in our ward to general conference. I was hesitant as it is a long ways away, and there were a lot of people who would be attending. Harold and his dad out voted my fearful caution and Harold went. It was a great experience.  

Sitting 6 rows from podium! That's pretty close. They got tickets from the Carol McConkie the mission mom of Harold's leader. Sweet!
He saw and heard protestors, they ate a Lion House, they walked with thousands of Latter-day Saints, and they experienced the big city.
The day was capped off with a need to eat and low and behold out of the 1000's of restaurants in the Salt Lake Valley. Guess who was also eating at Chick Fillet?

This boy has a very mindful Father in Heaven. Before he left he asked if he would see anyone he knew? I said I don't know there are about 100,000 people around temple square for this even the probability is high you will, but who knows.
Well after both Brenda & John, and Harold attended the afternoon session of conference they left Salt Lake and headed north. They decided to eat in Centerville and while walking up to the door Harold spotted John Brenda's husband. He waved and they visited inside.
This was yet another confirmation that God does hear our prayers and does make things work together for our good!
 It's so awesome to see God work in the lives of my children. Gently in big and little surprises and tender moments totally out of my control. Life is good and humbling. Another reminder to me I am not in control and to trust God has this in His hands and to stop worrying so much and start praying a whole lot more and then be patient waiting and watching God do His work.

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