Wednesday, March 11, 2020

3.11.20 School days

The required homework for kids above 4th grade is ridiculous! Too many hours are spent sitting typing on the computer. However that said, there are some good memories that sometimes come out of all that work. This past week Addie spent an outrageous amount of time working on a final project. gone are book reports, this had a journal complete with decorative cover and imaginative entries, some food thing from Mexico, and one other part I think. After numerous edits and a shopping trip to get the pinata supplies I finally got these pictures from her teacher. 

The class then enjoyed a literal fiesta in class, enchiladas, taco bar, Mexican pop, and churros. Oh the days, and willing moms. Addie did well. She has learned much watching her older sisters while there teen years away in front of computer screens preparing for the next FFA contest of working endlessly on papers and now even math problems are completed online. I'm not a fan. But I want my kids to learn, I want them to travel and see new sites and meet new people, so I put up with it, and just keep chugging along. 

On our way home from school that day we saw the tops of huge cranes and stopped to look at the demolition of the old middle school. It was built in the 30's the crane was removing a final support beam from the gym. Three huge one piece cross-members were in it's claws. That's amazing wood. Old growth I'm sure, I have no idea where it went but it is always interesting to see buildings come down.  

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