Monday, March 16, 2020

3.16.20 Sunday sacrament meeting at home

As life continues to get smaller and smaller we adjusted our Sunday plans and as per the kids request headed to grandma Saunders because they have an organ just like church. Grandma also had resources, small paper cups, and some easily grabbed white material. The boys prepared the sacrament, Addie helped put the room in order and we all got dressed up for sacrament meeting at home. 

 Addie and Harold prepared and shared talks. Greg, Lloyd and Sue also shared counsel and insights. After the closing song and prayer everyone delved into pictures of Greg's life. It was entertaining and enlightening for the kids who of course only think of us as their parents. Greg looked a bit different back in the day with lots of red hair and smaller size.

I imagine someday it will be Greg and I reminiscing about our kids who are all grown up. It was a good time to just relax and change the pace of the day a bit.

Realizing we were out of bread Anna whipped up a batch the night before. Her bread is always so good, I think she must use more white flour than I do.

And of course before having church we had the chores to deal with. This mama, had a sick calf we tried to rescue, her bag was so full we decided to try to milk her. Of course Greg was the only one brave and agile enough to do so. Unfortunately the calf died later that day. With all the scarcity and shortages going on I'm wondering if this isn't divine providence to have a milk able cow with no one to milk her out.

This must be end of days thinking to consider seriously milking a cow! I mean insisting the kids learn to milk a cow...oh the times we face. But, this family has been raised as diary people insisting that cream is a side dish and milk is the drink with every meal. That is just not possible right now, so maybe that lonely semi-willing/reluctant bovine is the answer. Gotta decide soon.

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