Monday, March 16, 2020

3.16.20 Burning again

I'm finding or noticing my kids have a bad habit of snacking right before meals so they don't eat the meal but had the treat they wanted. I'm working on changing this in the next few weeks. Especially with all the food shortages they can not just keep eating at will. This day Mark decided to make a fire on a stump thus creating a perfect marshmallow roasting spot. the girls were all over this and had a great time while I made dinner. 

The next day the fire was still going and the trailer was unavailable so we moved the old wood from the pile onto the fire. Our trees are infested with a bug and those wood piles were just another breeding spot so the wood has to go. We have become a bit obsessed with the cleaning power of fire around here. That fire burned for another day or so. My laundry backed up so I had to take a hose and shovel to it.

It was a good activity for the younger ones to keep the fire going. They dropped off to sleep at 8 that night which is generally early for them. So many chores are on the list to be done in these next two weeks.

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