Tuesday, March 17, 2020

3.17.20 Harold

March was an extremely busy month for Harold until life came to a screeching halt. He was preparing exhibits for the state FFA convention in between traveling to and fro across the pacific northwest. He is becoming quite the skilled young man.  This cutout was made on plasma table. He made another one freehand it is a different kind of impressive. He is very thankful for the welding class. The instructor is personable and has taught the boys a lot. He has spent an intense year studying almost every moment he is at home to take that one class. I've been impressed and annoyed with how much time it takes to self-educate. I'm sure he will be better for it in the end. 

Because of all the travel he was pretty sleepy on the days he was home. All the guys in this picture spent most of scripture time asleep. The time change does that, lengthens the day back to fitting with the sun but that just makes us work longer and harder. Life is good and we are thankful Harold got the experiences he did while life was normal.

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