Monday, March 23, 2020

3.22.20 Church at Home week 2

We had a different game plan this week as we were solo, with our family of 14! My sisters ward did a great job reaching out and sharing some resource ideas. I love when others do the thinking and preparing so I spent a few minutes sequestered while breakfast baked and made the game plan. Mark and Anna were assigned talks about an hour before. We ate a nice breakfast and got dressed for church. Harold prepared the sacrament. I love that the boys can still share and provide that for us. 
I made sure to make a batch of bread Saturday so we wouldn't have to use tortillas or salt tine crackers. I gave the older kids assignments for our second half and the got to coloring and preparing. 
After a brief interlude during the opening song where we had to remember we were getting ready for the sacrament, we had a lovely quick meeting complete with songs, grumbling, the sacrament and talks. 
We said the closing prayer then the younger half or the group in primary went for a nature walk with dad and Harold. They ended having a touching table where they closed their eyes and tried to determine what thing they were feeling. 

They came in to prune the olive tree like the allegory of the olive tree.

This was really fun. We talked about how getting rid of fruit lets the remaining fruit grow bigger and how we wanted things like kindness, honesty, and love to be really big in our lives. 

Harold did an activity where the practiced drawing closer to God. 

Addie shared the old seminary video about pruning the olive trees. I loved this video when we watched it in seminary years ago. I think it helped the kids understand a bit more about a story we endure reading year after year. My mom later shared this was one of her favorite scripture stories because it shows good fruit can grow where ever it is planted life doesn't' have to be perfect or even great to bear good fruit.

We ended the meeting discussing a talk about contention and how we don't have time for it. The kids quickly dismissed to change out of church clothes. A few of them called and face-timed with Grandma then we had a glass mess happen so we moved on with the day.

After a long day with twists and turns we wrapped up with family scripture study. Bruce is in love with his new sword courtesy of Harold. Apparently it also doubles as a unicorn horn.

I really like the spirit that accompanies Sunday worship in our homes. I like that we are prepared and able to direct our spiritual learning and needs. I love that I have so many priesthood holders in my home. I was struck yesterday with how much I missed seeing people in our congregation. I don't talk a lot as I'm in primary but I miss the sociality of it. It's interesting how my kids are reacting to this time of semi-quarantine. Some are seriously depressed others are not bothered at all. We work to meet both needs. Life is good.

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