Monday, March 30, 2020

3.30.20 Learning at home

This catch your breath and slow down opportunity it really a nice break from the normal crazy lives we have chosen to live. The kids are learning a new schedule. It's kinda like summer without the heat and the intense need to be working all the time. There's plenty to do but there's space for just being together too. As I always say the younger ones are LOVING having the older crew here. Reed sharing some time with Lia. 

He also took the challenge to use the brown bananas and make delicious banana bread. He did this alone his only mistake white flour instead of whole wheat. It was not noticed by anyone other than mom and was wolfed down almost as soon as it came out of the oven.

Addie braided Afton's hair for her. She looked so grown up and was so pleased to have Addie share some attention with her.  

We took a few minutes to brave to cold windy weather to do a scavenger hunt here she is showing the flowers that smelled good, the stick longer than her hand, and her spotted rock.

Bruce insists on being outside. I insisted he bundle up a bit. These kids are hearty, I am not loving the cold and am pretty much a pansy right now when it comes to heading outdoors unless it's over 50 degrees.

Mark posing as a high school boy. Cool glasses  and hat perched on top of his head. This guy comes in filthy every evening as he is busy with projects on the farm. He is capable and strong. We are thankful for the time this break has given to allow us to catch up on what needs to be done. I am literally in awe at all the abilities my older kids have. They are pretty much able to be given a task and able to complete it with little help or instruction from me or Greg. All those years of training and maybe yelling is paying off.

And my new screen saver. As I get closer to this delivery and the world continues to be different I am striving to focus on the peace of Christ and his infinite mercy and love that has helped me throughout my life. He is good. He loves me and my family. He is real and my job is to continue focused on him not the worries that abound and the fear that is rampant.
Life is good all the tools are here for me and my family to be successful and productive. I truly love having my kids swirling around me all day. I am honestly humbled to be the mother of this force. It is rewarding to see years of work and hope pay off, there are still plenty of fights and maybe yelling and frustration but as there are small brief moments of clarity and renewed hope I think we are doing ok. Endurance is not easy neither is intentional parenting but as I heard today from Elder Uctdorf Oct 2019 conference talk
               Discipleship is not about doing things perfectly; it's about doing things intentionally. It is                     your choices that show what you truly are, far more than your abilities. 

As my abilities are lessened as this baby grows and my body daily prepares for it's arrival I'm thankful for this wise direction. I chose to have hope, I strive for peace, I work to love and be patient with me and my family. I seek for gratitude to have these experiences and for the grace of having such great support from my husband, children, family, and friends. Truly this is a great miracle to slow the world to refocus on what truly matters and have enough time to let it sink in our bones maybe we were rushing after too much that really didn't matter. What a miracle and how bookmarked these months might become in our minds and memories of life. Life is good.

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