Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3.24.20 The Days go by

Amidst all the chaos and changes in the world we had a birthday. We are low on chocolate and eggs are becoming more and more precious we had to revamp the birthday treat offerings. Reed was pretty happy to have scones following a nice roast beef dinner. He did not get the usual buttermilk syrup for dipping them but we survived with powder sugar and syrup. Reed is a great kid. He is a hard worker and very good at staying on task and getting jobs done. He is also good at getting his sisters to do work. Because we did scones we forgot to sing to him, Addie fixed that and the next night he got a cupcake and candles while we sang.

One of my favorite parts of day is watching Reed our chicken man go to feed his flock. They swarm and hurry from where ever they are and follow him to a feast.

With the uncertainty of times we were a lot more proactive in planting a garden this year. Mark and John rototilled the ground and the kids had the best day playing in the dirt.

They say this virus doesn't like sunlight and heat I figure there is no better cure/prevention than letting them play and play outside. And because we were working on a big messy project in the house this was a win for everyone. The bikes are ridden the dirt is played in, imaginations are working the kids are sunkissed and life is good. We are blessed to have a 250 acre place to be isolated in.

This project has been waiting for 2 years at least. Anna, Addie, John, and I have been painting the inside of the house. Just about everyone has paint somewhere on their body and on their clothes. But it looks so good. We finished up some areas Saturday night, and it was so fulfilling to go to bed with such a big project done.

Lia is so much a big little kid. She is fun mix of the older kids. Aliza loves ranch, Lia loved the help yourself approach. Addie is out master salad maker. She loves them and shares her talent with us often.

Note the painted feet, She is not one to be left out.

This time has definitely been put to good use. I am so thankful for the many talents and personalities that bless my home. The usual nervousness of the last weeks of pregnancy has not been so bad, now it will probably be terrible because I wrote that, but having the kids around and sharing more of the load always makes life less stressful. I am truly blessed by all these kiddos. Now back to the grind and getting stuff done. Life is good.

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