Wednesday, March 18, 2020

3.18.20 Cousin weekend

We bought this rocking horse last fall at an auction. Lia loves it and claims it as her own! She even fell asleep while astride this afternoon. The experts say viruses die in the sun so we are doing our best to soak it up!

This last weekend our cousins came from Utah. They are a mostly boy family but we still had a great time!! There is plenty to explore at the farm and the kids had a ball mostly unsupervised climbing and hollering at will.

 We had to sort yearlings as they were rough housing the new calves too much. A neglected chore is cleaning pens. Thus we had a bit of a delay to the sorting getting their new place ready to go. Some kids had too much to say about life in general so they got to use the shovels. One nice thing about farm life is there is always plenty to do, and thankfully space to say what you want.

Lia is convinced she is big as anybody else around this place. She toddled along keeping up with all the action.

Buckets are a primary tool here on the farm. My boys develop strong bones and muscles from a young age carrying buckets of stuff: dirt, water, milk, rocks, garbage, produce whatever the need may be. So far they are turning out to be pretty solid kids.

The nice change to our life is no homework for the older kids, thus they have time to help! Anna got a quick carpentry lesson from Grandpa and fixed the fence for the cows.

Lia was eager to help but mostly got in the way, no one was hurt.

Of course after all that activity everyone was hungry! Grandma and hte aunts are amazing at feeding lots of people in a pretty quick way. We enjoyed pie after dinner in honor of pi day.

And a cute sign that boys were here. The dollhouse was filled with tractors and cars instead of dolls.

We are thankful for the visits that break up the monotony of work and just being with ourselves. I also got a broken window replaced and learned some more about how to do some other repairs that need to be addressed. We love when the Rogers come as they often fix or repair some broken household problem.

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