Sunday, March 8, 2020

3.8.20 Mr. Mechanic Jr.

Harold has been going to auto competitions for years, he works a lot of hours and is almost always on hand when Greg is fixing things. This year as the schedule was posted I challenged him to prepare as hard as he had for football games, that he needed to earn his spot on the bus. He increased his efforts attending more practices, studying ASE questions with his dad as they ate dinner and generally paying attention to detail a bit more. He got an 11th place finish last week in Pocatello, this week he got an 8th and high placer from Vale at BYU-I. He came home we washed his clothes and he packed headed out for Seattle the next day. We are still waiting for results. 

His first earned prizes from an auto competition. A 20 piece socket set. Greg was able to start his current profession because of the tools he had won in high school.

With the new youth program the major focus is setting goals and working to accomplish personal improvement. While I am poor at getting the kids to write down goals and make a path for success, we do work and talk about what it takes to win. Not that we are obsessed with winning but rather we know the kids can and hope for them to have the confidence gained from subject mastery.
Harold's classmate who is competing has gotten countless lectures from the teacher on how she is good enough to do well she just needs to have some confidence.
The BYUI trip was made a little more special by visits from Harold's great uncles who teach and taught at BYUI. He knew them and had a good visit with each of them. I'm thankful he is that kind of kid, some of my others are more shy and would not siad more than hi. Harold is a talker and has enjoyed meeting fellow mechanics from various locations.
We are excited to hear about the big adventure of Seattle complete with Corona virus scare and the sites of a big city. I'm thankful to teachers who dream and carry out these excursions. I'm thankful for the opportunity to grow and work hard. I'm thankful there are classes that engage this son of mine, because algebra and english sure aren't what gets him to school each day nonetheless Life is good.

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