Monday, March 9, 2020

3.9.20 Boys- Be still my mother heart

Family life chores have been stacking up, I took the opportunity when I had a bit of leverage with the older kids to work through some of them. Washing bedding, sorting clothes etc was the agenda for the weekend. Yet in the middle of the work was some fun. These two guys made me laugh out-loud and smile big as I watched them have a great battle or three. 

Those silver things are some kind of sword and defense sword John made at his Wednesday night church activity. I honestly thought it was a waste of time but whatever it was harmless. It was an activity that spoke to John who has been making swords and shields since he could. The boys had some battles with points scored by the leaders. John and Harold had a really good time.

Now those same 'weapons' are at my house. Bruce of course has not just been an observer, his older brothers have been generous to include and teach him the fine art of swordplay! He is a strong even merciless opponent. I felt so much merriment watching him take on John! The padding and ducktape makes for a pretty harmless encounter, although Bruce did nail him pretty well a few times.

Bruce gathered a shield which he used as effectively as Captain America. He does not back down or cry uncle ever. As he proudly says when seeing this picture "I got John down!" As John rolled dramatically to the ground and his work supply of oranges rolled out of his pockets he exclaimed, "Oh no my guts are spilling out!" I lamented girls only play dress-up... John queried what's dress up?

I so often get trite comments about my choice to have so many children. Why it's anyone's business I don't know. However it's moments like this, not the drudgery of managing our home, but the love and joy of playing and living with each other. My kids are routinely asked by peers how they can stand living and sharing with so many?? They just look confused and say it's not bad. It's not always roses and games, we work a lot and fight a lot. My ears ache for quiet, but I love love love the beauty of being a family and the diversity of each child that makes our home run. 
As each child shares and contributes their talents and challenges we adapt and grow. The talents help and strengthen our family routine.  The challenges allow for study, prayer, and oftentimes another sibling to help support and encourage the one struggling. My kids may not have much undivided parent time, but they sure have a lot of siblings to love and teach them. We are not the norm, but there is love at home, in lots of forms on most days. We are blessed. 

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