Thursday, March 19, 2020

3.19.20 A last public event

I loved going to artistic events with my grandmother when I was a kid. I strive to also make sure my children get a little bit of culture in their lives. The last time this group came I had literally just got home a day or so before from having Afton. Therefore I was anxious to take my kids and find out what the hype was. We rushed to the performance there was the usual dawdling kids, stress over spending too much money on tickets etc but the show proved worth all the frustration. 

After the show the kids wanted quick pictures with some of the performers. They were generous enough to happily pose with them. Little did we know this would be our last time in a crowd for who knows how long. I'm thankful we got out and enjoyed one of the few performances these young people put on.

These are some amazing athletes here. They danced for over an hour at a high rate of speed and energy. As I calmed down watching the performance I Realized I should be so grateful to be sitting there with 9 of my children. That I should always be grateful to be the mom of 12 such great kids. Sometimes it's easy to forget that and just dwell on how annoying they can intentionally be. oh well for these next several weeks I'm just praying to be more kind to them and myself and that we are able to accomplish most of what I have on my long long list of spring chores, pre-baby work, and farm planting time. Life is good.

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