Thursday, January 31, 2019

1.31.19 First Cotillion

Coming of age. This year coming of age happened rapidly. The prophet announced that kids could participate in church functions in the year which they turned the necessary age not after they had reached the age destination. Therefore these happy, scrubbed handsome young men were able to attend their first cotillion or dance!!!

Nervous but willing.

This guy is quick becoming a true friend for Mark. They share common life philosophies and family values. When we got to his house he was mostly ready but had had to assist a silly grown-up earlier in getting out of the mud so his shoes were muddy. Being the mom on call I told him he had to clean up. Thank goodness my boot guy was there and instructed and went through the process of cleaning boots that you want to wear right now . It took a while but in the end both boy and boot were ready for the dance. 

We always work to take more than just one kid to the dance. There is strength and courage in numbers. We gave these guys instruction on where to place hands, how to ask, how to talk to girls while dancing, how to lead them to the dance floor and promised reward for their compliance. They came through each dancing with 5 or more girls!! They were shocked to learn the girls didn't know much more about dancing than they did.
When we got to the donut store they were out. The boys had to settle for french bread and cookies. They were fine with that.

This guy decided on "donuts that were as old as him" according to Greg. He was extra brave and danced with a tall girl! Lots of teaching and encouraging hopefully setting groundwork for many years of fun ahead and lots of girls that get asked to dance. That happened rarely to me and to my daughters but I keep hoping that if we keep teaching that will change??

One dance at a time. This was a fun evening with some great boys. Who are still boys but are proving to be promising young men!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

1.30.19 Learning to Read PTSD

Can I claim PTSD for teaching reading? The dazed mom the happy girls working diligently then distractedly at out word ...after.......word. 
These two are both learning the art of reading. One seems to be a memorizer and one is a picture studier but getting it, they are both getting it!

Oh how I dread sitting sounding out letter after letter. The flash card drills when I remember and can find them. Being patient, waiting on the child to decided to engage. The repeated mistakes, the same stories....the patience oh the positive patience and loosing my marbles as the other kids don't do what they were supposed to!!! Nails on the chalkboard I tell ya, nails dragging slowly on the chalkboard.
But this is not something I can assign out like dishes or dinner. It is my responsibility and a special---time with each child individually loving them into reading. I should be better at this, more resigned more happy...more hopeful. Although I adore reading and the printed word teaching my children to read is one particularly nasty part of parenting.

The one always in the mix what I seem to always be doing when I sit down. Nursing sweetsie pie number 7. Livy is a fierce personality. She wants things her way and on her terms and fights to have them so. It's always interesting to see how personalities express as life lessons are had. Thus we have waited on her timetable to read. She is not easily cajoled or corralled and with all the other fights happening here we just waited. Now the cattle mill of school forces some growth to happen and thus we are sounding our way through first grade. She is getting math, and is getting reading. It is so rewarding to hear her putting concepts together. It is enjoyable to snuggle with her and feel her gain confidence. And  I appreciate getting to know her. Just as I am thankful for that time with each of her older siblings whom I have to wrestle their books away from these days. Punishment here is book removal. Stern lectures are delivered on NOT reading in class.

I still don't like learning to read anymore than potty training. They are both tedious processes. I am thankful Millie and Livy are not struggling with the mechanics and process as much as Reed did. And I guess the bright spot is by learning together that will put them confident at the same time?? So maybe a short break before Afton is ready or this guy? 

And my funny distraction guy. A dress-up boy who isn't often found not running. We sure are thankful for this creative kiddo at our house. And we are most thankful he has completed his life responsibility task for now, potty training.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

1.29.19 Teenage Girls

When I tell people I have twelve children they are agog for a minute then they say "I'm sure you have lots of help." I try not to look at them like they are the crazy ones. Does no one remember the active lifestyles of teens? This is mostly what they do when they are home

Anna has been working diligently to prepare for her state degree presentation and application along with scholarship finding, speech writing, and independent studying 2 english classes. She is on top of things and works to do what she is asked. She is calm and kind. She taught YW on sunday and did a great job. She is a natural leader. She was a lifesaver-again- helping Bruce get better. He loves her dearly. I'm just a poor second choice compared to Anna.

Yes Aliza is to the point of needing a laptop and phone to keep up with her self. These two take school seriously. Anna has found out how to manage classes and extracurricular. Aliza has volunteered to take stats for the basketball team when it fits in her schedule along with choir, FFA, and trying for a 4.0. She spends a lot of time on homework and making desserts.

Her latest project is an interview with Lucille Ball with her playing the part of Lucy. Thank goodness for youtube. The hairstyle was fairly straight forward. We have worked and worked with the false eye lashes they are tricky. And we keep envisioning the scene in yours mine and ours where they fall into her drink! Eye liner is even trickier for us plain face janes here. She recruited a makeup loving friend to help her. 
Lately people have been asking if Aliza is happy? If she's ok? She's taken a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. She is a sensitive soul who loves to know the most, be the best and to wow. That takes preparation and time to plan. She loves to be successful. She sings to unwind. Sometimes I lvoe it and sometimes I have to close my door to stop from telling her to just be quiet. I'm in mom mode and I appreciate quiet. 
She had an exciting missionary experience. The youth were asked to pray for a missionary experience. She obeyed and was asked by a friend what Mormon's believe. An associate had stated we believe in Lizards or something?!!

Aliza was able to share with her what we believe and her strength of the Youth pamphlet. Aliza was prepared from teaching a family discussion last week on the plan of Salvation and from working on her personal progress again. She has been studying the gospel and teaching it. She had a great experience sharing her knowledge with a truly searching friend. 
Life is good. God is awesome! I'm thankful so humbly grateful for His help in raising these kiddos. We have such good times just being silly and working through concerns and problems. Not that that is ever easy or fun but when the answers or solutions come and water is smooth again or the light comes it's just magnificent. And to see and hear my children feel and experience God's generous Grace in their life brings sweet peace to my soul. 

1.29.19 Birthday Girl

The birthday lady. This is her princess dress. She has loved to wear dresses for the past few years as all my girls have. She is a bit more sassy a bit more independent and a bit more feisty than most of her sisters. She's also the 6th sister so maybe that's just survival for her. She loves Alia, Alia is not as happy with Afton. Afton loves to cook and is happiest stirring at the stove. She enjoys the dollhouse pieces but does not play with them in the doll house but rather out in the open on the stovetop or table top. Addie had spent time preparing invitations to a party for Afton, Bruce and Alia however came down with fevers and so the party was cancelled for outside guests.

Afton was of course not going to go without celebrating her day so she agreed to banana splits.

Mark and Addie took on assembling the treats. Mark sampling to ensure safety for us all. 

We were out of candles like always so a match improvised and she was able to blow something out. Alia was not a happy camper. Fevers are miserable. 

John had thoughtfully made her some male paperdolls. He loves to create and was so kind to hear her request. She was delighted. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

1.27.19 Stake conference

STake conference is a fun time of year where we don't have our regular schedule but instead endure 2 hours of hard chairs and restless kids to learn from our leaders. We have of late been attending in our town in our usual building but because the stake leaders asked for the primary kids to be in a choir we went to watch our kids sing. A benefit of the travel and discomfort was the seeing our sweet cousins from a nearby town. The girls had  a ball singing with them after the meeting. When asked during the meeting to sing Afton started belting out "Let it Go" which is one of her favorite songs, Never ENough is the other. 
The girls moved to the stage and found a microphone holder which is what they are gathered around. THey are singing Christmas songs. 

Bruce enjoyed running around. The older boys and dad help stack, carry and arrange all the chairs that were out. This takes about 45 minutes. They are strong and know how it goes.

After the floor was cleared ADdie and Reed got to play some catch.

Anna caught up with Aunt Ruth a bit, and gave my arms a rest. I spent a lot of the meeting nursing, rocking, pacing Alia, and chasing Bruce. I didn't hear a lot. Thank goodness for the adult session the night before.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

1.26.18 Come follow me curriculum

This year marked the beginning or direct focus on deeper gospel learning in the home. We have always read scripture and prayed in our home. Every day. Yet it has slipped in reverence and spirituality in the last year or years. With the new curriculum the lessons are deeper and ready to teach. The kids have done well and it's mostly been a great experience. As kids are smart and suppose to be teaching at church I decided now was the time for them to take the lead in our learning at home. Aliza took the first slot teaching us the Plan of Salvation because she has been anxiously working to earn her Young Women's award again. 

Everyone taking notes so they could get ice cream at the end.

Taking a selfie break to try and capture the goodness we feel when we are all together learning about and feeling the love of God in our hearts as Livy says.

Engaged learners

Oh the family the best place to be! She did a great job! I learned a lot from her discussion and again was impressed with the huge difference that can come by following the prophet. We are blessed.

Friday, January 25, 2019

1.25.18 Alia update

Oh how we all love this sweet baby. She is adorable and just right for squishing and loving. In between nursing and then getting puked on she goos and coos. And offers the biggest smiles of happiness. 

She is also never far from the action. After asking who made the mess in the background Afton suggested it was Alia.

Alia has a real creative streak this day she told Bruce to surround her with dozens of eggs...

Only two eggs were broken in this experience.

Although these cute legs tried to hide an egg or two I found them.

1.25.18 Tussles

Every morning is about the same. Greg wakes the kids they stumble out to the fire place warm their already warm bodies and ease into another day. The boys head out to chores the girls work on food stuff. They eat their mush, find their shoes or coat which ever hid itself and head out the door. A busy rush and then silence. Absolute silence. It is eery and refreshing. Part of me is sad at the loss of life that happens each morning, and maybe I'm just a bit poetic at the end of a long school week. 

I came to the realization possibly again as I don't have the best memory skills, that I really do like being a mom. I do in deed have a lot to mother. For good or bad, see the last post, I get to keep learning those lessons. The subjects for study and observation are constantly changing their approach. See the picture below. Neither is a small guy. Harold's back hurt for a few days following this effort.

Most days Harold is found working with his dad. He has become more confident, quicker to respond, and so much more grateful for the more relaxed pace at home. John has mostly only worked at home he loves to block out the many calls for him and to stay tucked into the pages of his book. So he got delivered. Then He and Reed got into a tussle. Reed is a tough guy! Although only about half the size of his older brothers he never misses a chance to go a round or 4 with them wrestling or chasing. 

Bruce is much too small to really present a muscle challenge. His legs are covered with bruises from running everywhere and falling. He doesn't cry much just when he discovers Anna is gone in the morning and he is searching for me.
This night I introduced he and Millie to a long lost favorite cinnamon and sugar on warm tortillas. So good. They liked them too.

While doing all this sitting doing the dreaded job, I have been thinking and interviewing other parents about college. I have learned some and been assured a lot. Our time is quickly drawing to a close with our older kids. It's hard to remember because we haven't run out of toddler tots but quickly the older ones will have served their time with us and will be on their own.
With that understanding I have been working and enjoying the older kids taking on more of the driving/running that happens here. It's odd that I haven't left my town for almost a month other than for church outings which involved going and coming straight home.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

1.16.19 Some days

This guy gives me hope. As I continually re-teach lessons here and live through the literal and figurative seasons of life Harold's love for me and his abilities and choices give me hope. He is stubborn, sneaky, determined, and active. Being a novice I thought we could iron some of that out. Ha- little did I understand of eternal spirits or personalities. Some of the rough edges have been smoothed, meaning I've mellowed and got more distracted by more bodies, and I've learned a tiny bit.

This lady has always loved to dress up and is very fastidious about how life should be. She always has been. She likes to be right, to be happily viewed and to make others happy. As she has gotten older that looks like the details of projects, me editing her papers, red lipstick or eyeliner to help her get into character. Here we are working on false eye-lashes for the upcoming Lucille Ball presentation. It's fun to dress up. It's more satisfying to laugh and smile with her. Again I'm learning a little bit each year.

And this guy is just starting out. He is precocious he is sweet he is strong he is mechanical. He filled my toilet yesterday with plastic spoons, napkins, drill bit, carrot, and some other not flushable stuff. After many tries plunging in the midst of trying to get out the door to get the other kids. I gave up. Later I tried to snake the toilet no luck.
I firmly instructed all to not use the toilet. I had bailed it already and was hoping to let it rest until a more creative stronger dad got home to tackle the mess. ... we almost made it but. Greg came home and used the wet dry vac to suck out the remaining water and then the globs that were causing the problem. Some of the bigger stuff I could see so I removed earlier. In the middle of lots of data processing house repairs really knock me out. We had a not nice evening.
In the process of cleaning water got outside the vacuum so Harold and GReg beach/cleaned the entire bathroom it looks great! I felt helpless and inept. I told Greg our house would be better cared fro if I worked and he stayed home. I woke in the night realizing the blessings of guardian angels and with deep remorse for my parenting the night before. I could not wait for morning to come because I truly wished a mountain would have dropped on me. Yet as I prayed and repented and waited  for the child to wake so I could apologize, I came to feel some forgiveness. Sleep is a great band-aid and soul wracking prayer can call sleep onto my frenzied mind.
Sometimes life is just too much. I cannot and do not run away, although maybe I should. Life continues to get busier, more expensive, harder to manage and all in all overwhelming. Yet through it all comes sweet reassurances of God that it's gonna be okay and this too shall pass.
The child did not remember anything from the night before until I reminded them. The toilet is working perfectly if not better than before. The bathroom is a delightfully clean room- it's my favorite to deep clean too because it is small! And today I'm determined to do better.
The kids above give me hope that though I have a long road to walk with this Mr. Moose we will make it and it will be good. As I sat next to Harold last night discussing a family trip and a merit badge concerning money I felt his love and acceptance of me as his mother, that spoke volumes to my troubled mind.
Life is real and life really keeps moving. Good to bad, catastrophe to peace it keeps on going. Today I am thankful for guardian angels, forgiveness and the tenacity of my spouse. 
He sticks to jobs and our marriage with resolve and determination. It is a humbling comfort to watch him work and to share life with him.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

1.15.19 Family Temple Trip

A friend posted this wisdom and I had to save it. Long ago, 20 years or so, my mother gave temple bags to me and my grandma Lasley and grandpa Lasley for Christmas. At the time none of the recipients were that focused on the temple. I was a bit mad about the gift at the time. But I stashed it in my dresser and life rolled on. My heart was broken my plans rearranged and I headed to school far far away. You could say I found myself there, then I found my sweet husband.
The following year in 2000 I attended the temple to complete all my work there. It was marvelous. I felt so at home. It was a blessing to have my grandparents with us.  In the next 19 years we have grown to this group!

These kiddos are so excited to go to the temple any chance they get. Mark as the newest attendee was anxious and excited! I got to be the babysitter of Lia this night but was thankful to know the rest of the group was together in the temple and I could be but I needed to be with Alia that night. 

There is great strength in family and spiritual worship. We are blessed to know and interact with these cousins and grandparents. God is good and even though our prayers sometimes take a while they will be answered greater than we can imagine. Now the kids are great genealogists like grandma Lasley, my mom is also a geneology tracker. With many more anxious bodies waiting for their turn.
My nephew who is 7 was mad that Mark could go and not him. In his mind they are the same age. Someday soon he will be able to go too and follow Mark's example. Family goes on and on and God loves us all and wants us to be with Him again. We can do that through temple attendance and geneology. I'm thankful for the prayers of my mother and for her example.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

1.12.19 Snow Sport Weekend

The boys had an opportunity to attend the winter snow sports clinic in McCall Idaho last weekend. Uncle Bryce made that possible loaning them gloves and snow pants. I was pretty nervous praying for no broken bones.
They were able to learn how to snow shoe.

They endured sleeping out in the snow and cold. The hard part in these conditions is the frozen water. Plastic water bottles are not good. Mark deformed Anna's trying to melt the ice to get a drink. 

And they were boys. They were doing some activity and somehow my tall strong son pictured above added his foot to this much younger newer scout's eye resulting in this new look. I spent a lot of time visiting with his mom last Sunday while nursing I did not realize some damage had been done to her son by mine. Oops.

They also worked on learning to ice skate. Thank goodness for a wall! John's stories about this are hilarious. he always strives to get a laugh and is witty enough to usually get some. But these stories were precious. One of their youth leaders took a bloody spill Johns retelling of that is choice.

But his story about them trying to qualify for their merit badge and slowly pushing themselves backwards on the wall, and shuffling through a scary figure 8 pattern are truly laugh worthy. 

This was MArk's first solo campout. He was a little apprehensive. He was his usual kind self and loaned his second sleeping bag to John who had to sleep by the door. So Mark was cold and John was toasty.

Another great part of scouts No MOMS! Eating out and getting to choose just what you want. In John's case expensive hot chocolate.

We have been seriously blessed by these willing leaders who trek through various temperatures and climates to give these boys experiences. We are seriously thankful for their willingness and the fun learning they give to my sons.