Wednesday, January 30, 2019

1.30.19 Learning to Read PTSD

Can I claim PTSD for teaching reading? The dazed mom the happy girls working diligently then distractedly at out word ...after.......word. 
These two are both learning the art of reading. One seems to be a memorizer and one is a picture studier but getting it, they are both getting it!

Oh how I dread sitting sounding out letter after letter. The flash card drills when I remember and can find them. Being patient, waiting on the child to decided to engage. The repeated mistakes, the same stories....the patience oh the positive patience and loosing my marbles as the other kids don't do what they were supposed to!!! Nails on the chalkboard I tell ya, nails dragging slowly on the chalkboard.
But this is not something I can assign out like dishes or dinner. It is my responsibility and a special---time with each child individually loving them into reading. I should be better at this, more resigned more happy...more hopeful. Although I adore reading and the printed word teaching my children to read is one particularly nasty part of parenting.

The one always in the mix what I seem to always be doing when I sit down. Nursing sweetsie pie number 7. Livy is a fierce personality. She wants things her way and on her terms and fights to have them so. It's always interesting to see how personalities express as life lessons are had. Thus we have waited on her timetable to read. She is not easily cajoled or corralled and with all the other fights happening here we just waited. Now the cattle mill of school forces some growth to happen and thus we are sounding our way through first grade. She is getting math, and is getting reading. It is so rewarding to hear her putting concepts together. It is enjoyable to snuggle with her and feel her gain confidence. And  I appreciate getting to know her. Just as I am thankful for that time with each of her older siblings whom I have to wrestle their books away from these days. Punishment here is book removal. Stern lectures are delivered on NOT reading in class.

I still don't like learning to read anymore than potty training. They are both tedious processes. I am thankful Millie and Livy are not struggling with the mechanics and process as much as Reed did. And I guess the bright spot is by learning together that will put them confident at the same time?? So maybe a short break before Afton is ready or this guy? 

And my funny distraction guy. A dress-up boy who isn't often found not running. We sure are thankful for this creative kiddo at our house. And we are most thankful he has completed his life responsibility task for now, potty training.

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