Tuesday, January 29, 2019

1.29.19 Birthday Girl

The birthday lady. This is her princess dress. She has loved to wear dresses for the past few years as all my girls have. She is a bit more sassy a bit more independent and a bit more feisty than most of her sisters. She's also the 6th sister so maybe that's just survival for her. She loves Alia, Alia is not as happy with Afton. Afton loves to cook and is happiest stirring at the stove. She enjoys the dollhouse pieces but does not play with them in the doll house but rather out in the open on the stovetop or table top. Addie had spent time preparing invitations to a party for Afton, Bruce and Alia however came down with fevers and so the party was cancelled for outside guests.

Afton was of course not going to go without celebrating her day so she agreed to banana splits.

Mark and Addie took on assembling the treats. Mark sampling to ensure safety for us all. 

We were out of candles like always so a match improvised and she was able to blow something out. Alia was not a happy camper. Fevers are miserable. 

John had thoughtfully made her some male paperdolls. He loves to create and was so kind to hear her request. She was delighted. 

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