Thursday, January 10, 2019

1.10.19 Merit Badges

Our boys had an added bonus of merit badge work this holiday season. A kind friend generously offered to involve them in her son's pursuit of an eagle so they went on some excursions to pass off requirements.

A tour of the local post office one of the few federal offices open during the government shut down. 

A merit badge clinic in Kuna where they earned 4 in one day.

A trip to a historical landmark.

Commnity service delivering meals on wheels.

Visiting a court session where they saw and heard consequences of poor choices.

Building bird feeders complete with good tools and all the scrap lumber they could want! Heaven for John.

Scouts is a fun process for boys this age. it fosters friendship, develops talents and skills, and is just plain enjoyable. Christmas break was definitely much more enjoyable with these added trips and learning. Thanks Tiffany and Hoss for bringing us along!

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