Tuesday, January 29, 2019

1.29.19 Teenage Girls

When I tell people I have twelve children they are agog for a minute then they say "I'm sure you have lots of help." I try not to look at them like they are the crazy ones. Does no one remember the active lifestyles of teens? This is mostly what they do when they are home

Anna has been working diligently to prepare for her state degree presentation and application along with scholarship finding, speech writing, and independent studying 2 english classes. She is on top of things and works to do what she is asked. She is calm and kind. She taught YW on sunday and did a great job. She is a natural leader. She was a lifesaver-again- helping Bruce get better. He loves her dearly. I'm just a poor second choice compared to Anna.

Yes Aliza is to the point of needing a laptop and phone to keep up with her self. These two take school seriously. Anna has found out how to manage classes and extracurricular. Aliza has volunteered to take stats for the basketball team when it fits in her schedule along with choir, FFA, and trying for a 4.0. She spends a lot of time on homework and making desserts.

Her latest project is an interview with Lucille Ball with her playing the part of Lucy. Thank goodness for youtube. The hairstyle was fairly straight forward. We have worked and worked with the false eye lashes they are tricky. And we keep envisioning the scene in yours mine and ours where they fall into her drink! Eye liner is even trickier for us plain face janes here. She recruited a makeup loving friend to help her. 
Lately people have been asking if Aliza is happy? If she's ok? She's taken a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. She is a sensitive soul who loves to know the most, be the best and to wow. That takes preparation and time to plan. She loves to be successful. She sings to unwind. Sometimes I lvoe it and sometimes I have to close my door to stop from telling her to just be quiet. I'm in mom mode and I appreciate quiet. 
She had an exciting missionary experience. The youth were asked to pray for a missionary experience. She obeyed and was asked by a friend what Mormon's believe. An associate had stated we believe in Lizards or something?!!

Aliza was able to share with her what we believe and her strength of the Youth pamphlet. Aliza was prepared from teaching a family discussion last week on the plan of Salvation and from working on her personal progress again. She has been studying the gospel and teaching it. She had a great experience sharing her knowledge with a truly searching friend. 
Life is good. God is awesome! I'm thankful so humbly grateful for His help in raising these kiddos. We have such good times just being silly and working through concerns and problems. Not that that is ever easy or fun but when the answers or solutions come and water is smooth again or the light comes it's just magnificent. And to see and hear my children feel and experience God's generous Grace in their life brings sweet peace to my soul. 

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