Friday, January 11, 2019

1.11.19 Bow Shooting

Bruce loves his brothers. He is not as vocal and not as strong but he is just as curious and determined. For some reason he found one of their bows. Harold was willing to help him draw the bow. 

Sometimes I am in tears that HArold is so big and almost out of my home. I am sad that Bruce will not really know him while growing up. However I know Harold is quite the leader to this string of brothers that are following him. I'm thankful for his kindness, obedience, and abilities. He's a good big brother for all I can see. So I take pictures of times like these when he's patiently playing with the younger kids because they might not remember but I hope to. And I hope Bruce finds as Greg and I have that no matter the age span there is still a lot to be shared with siblings, they are great resources of encouragement, knowledge and support.

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