Friday, January 11, 2019

1.10.19 Christmas Day

Christmas was a little more low key this year and a lot higher. We had sung the songs all month we had read the story. We had discussed again and again the true reason for all the hoopla. We had banished Santa to where he belongs a few visits at a party. We were ready to celebrate. The older kids are now on stocking duty. They love it. I just try to make sure everything is there and there is an everything. This year I went for treats that they never get at home but enjoy. Microwave popcorn, single serve hot chocolate packages, individual bags of chips. There might have been more I don't remember now. 
We had our usual turnovers and lots of sausage around 11. We also sent some food to the community Christmas dinner. After breakfast we got to the presents part. We know the story so we instead discussed how Christ has blessed us or how we see Christ in our lives. Then the unwrapping began. We don't go one at a time after waiting for so many days and minutes it's just time to find out whats in those boxes!

 The boys had made a musical instrument for a merit badge requirement somehow they thought it should go to Addie. They were all delighted. 

Harold and Alia waiting for breakfast.

New coats!

Harold loves to build. At 16 I thought maybe he was past this but as Reed explained HArold puts his lego sets together. Reed was busy having a lego fight with another brother.

The little girls got a doll house. After many many hours researching this possibility I hit buy. They have had a lot of fun arranging and rearranging all the pieces and parts. The musical car that goes with it has been a hit as well.

This little lady just watched and enjoyed being part of the day. 

One gift that was exciting was a box of new towels for the family. This is a tradition from my Papa Dick Corn. He would often give each person a new towel. I took that for granted until my mother-in-law pointed out how rarely she ever got new towels. I thought everyone got them. After she shared that I re-gifted some of my new towels to her. Yet as the years have gone on with no Papa my towels are starting to show a lot of wear. The kids oohed and aahed over those towels for a few moments and moved on. It was a sweet nod to a thoughtful tradition. Thanks MOM!
The gift giving is helpful in so many ways and exciting. It's satisfying to see them enjoy the new things they were given. From the hats to the head gear used for warmth when riding the fourwheeler to the toys and movies it makes the bleakness of January a lot better.

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