Tuesday, January 8, 2019

1.8.19 Christmas Eve New traditions

We are officially a big family. Almost too big to fit under one roof at the same time. WE moved this year big family style to a location! We used the grange to house all our loved ones excitement and anticipation of Christmas. A new activity this year was a live nativity. This cast did not disappoint. They were highly interpretive yet sweet in reference for the most important story. 

Harold the donkey carrying Livy the Mary with James the Joseph leading. A little star lighting their way Bruce, as the angelic host await!

The appreciative audience.

Cousin Cadi did a splendid job on accompaniment this year.

Sheep and shepherds.

Wise persons coming from afar.

After the production there were fun pages to color. 

My dad shared a sweet story about my nephew in Heaven. 

The kids had their annual cold cereal gift exchange. Yum! 

The adults exchanged white elephant gifts Grandma got the singing hat. 

The big wasd of candy wrapped in cellophane. Hard to wait for competitive kids. 

And when it was over and Christmas was almost there, there was room to run and enjoy the joy of being family!

It was a Merry Christmas for all and a goodnight as well.
It is never easy to change. Being the oldest the traditions may be most entrenched in my mind? But I think this new approach was a success! It was different but we are at a new place in our family not quite exponentially growing but definitely faster than before. And set to explode as the kids age and will inevitable begin their own families. The most important part, remembering the Savior, Celebrating His part in our life, sharing gifts that bring laughter and joy, eating good food, and being together remain constant. Though Christmas changes and evolves the most important pieces were there in abundance. My sister Mary did an incredible job organizing and planning a memorable evening.

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