Tuesday, January 8, 2019

1.8.19 Wedding Dance

A sweet friend got married recently we attended her reception. We arrived in time for the bouquet toss. I thought this was so cute of Millie standing right below the older girls were separated by a table. The bride swung back and tossed to be knocked down by the basketball hoop with the bouquet landing at Millie's feet. The bride took another toss and an older girl grabbed it. It won't be long before sweet little Milie is the one standing in white tossing a bouquet. How time does fly!

The best part of the night was the dance floor and DJ. The kids had such a great time. Pictured are AFton and ELoise. 

Afton and Bruce. Not sure who's leading but they had a good time. 

Greg and one of his many daughter who wanted a turn. 

 Livy with Eloise and Millie and Afton, Bruce headed over to cut in.

I love to dance too. I didn't get many chances this night with so many daughters taking a spin with dad. I'm thankful for a dad who can and will dance, and for nights like these where we take a break from the norm and enjoy visiting with friends, and fun music that refreshes the weary soul. Life is good and moving faster by the day.

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