Wednesday, January 9, 2019

1.9.19 Cousins at Christmas

One major benefit of living next to grandparents is we get to enjoy when cousins come. As we are not prone to travel this is a blessing because we would only see them once a year at the family renion if left to our own devices. This makes holidays much anticipated events. Aside from the food and traditions the addition of mulitple cousins is so exciting! Here we are singing the Sunday after Christmas. I accompanied and loved to hear the many voices in the room. My oldest two daughters flanked my shoulders and gave me confidence as they joyfully sang songs of their youth. The sweet spirit that came to the room made me want it to last forever. I'm thankful for a family who sings together, though too rarely, we have got to do this more often. 

We also got to visit. We got to spend some time catching up on what each family is pursuing at this time.

Uncle Bryce is always so good to interact with the kids. Here he is reading scripture trivia questions to the kids. I was happy to hear Alivia correctly answer many of the questions.

Of course Mark, John and Addie knew all the answers...

And John found a use for the supply of paper products we purchased to make one less chore while company is here. He wa also taking a short break from working on merit badges which added some substance to his break from school. Holidays are great but sleep depriving and sugar rich. I'm glad to hopefully even back out into our normal responsible routine this week. 

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