Friday, January 4, 2019

1.4.19 BEcause of this

We came home from church feeling very well. We had sung our song the Army of Helaman and it was free of fighting and atrocious behavior. The minor added notes by Bruce were cute. We were filled with the goodness from taking the sacrament, seeing our friends, learning some more of the gospel and the final day of 3 hour church! WE decided to try a family picture. The movement is real and shows personality more than a posed photo shopped one hanging on my wall.

I love my energetic family. We are working to improve. This week we began incorporating the Come follow me curriculum into our family scripture study. I manged to finish the Book of Mormon on Dec 30. I learned so much, I loved discussing with my children. I love teaching them and hearing what they understand. It is because of them and who we are that We work to do more, become more, and do less and be less frivolous or bored with our approach to life. I have had so many quiet promptings, so many rich outpourings of love and peace from a generous heavenly father and friends. I have been able to do what I need and daily take so many blessings for granted. God is real! He is aware and he is ever ready to pour down blessings. I have many people to love and who love me. I am so blessed with happiness that I get complacent and look for ways I'm not happy like others. I guess I want to fit in. Dumb I know. Then I get really sad and am sure I am left out, misunderstood, totally inept, and before I know it I'm really depressed.

But life keeps happening this crew demands food! They sometimes like clean clothes, and spaces. And always want to be doing something. So as life rolls on and on the Spirit teaches me and shows me how mistaken that train of thought is. I'm eternally grateful for the patient, creative, generous people in my life. There are many. My sisters, my parents, my in-laws, and extended family. Neighbors and the like. They accept our chaos and energy and forgive our mistakes. That is huge! When I listen and am in the right place to see correctly I realize the goodness that is mine.

My main take-away and blessing from a determined reading of the Book of Mormon and continued perseverance at church attendance is corrected vision, love, and peace. That which is good produces good, that which is bad produces bad. The book of Mormon produced much good in my life! Lack of attention to my spiritual health led to sadness in my life. Simple test simple answers! Big REsults! Powerful meaning. As we continue to work on following the prophet I know more good will come and we won't be able to hold all the happiness, love, and peace that will come thus we will multiply and share and that will be more goodness on earth. Awesome to ponder.

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