Saturday, January 12, 2019

1.12.19 Snow Sport Weekend

The boys had an opportunity to attend the winter snow sports clinic in McCall Idaho last weekend. Uncle Bryce made that possible loaning them gloves and snow pants. I was pretty nervous praying for no broken bones.
They were able to learn how to snow shoe.

They endured sleeping out in the snow and cold. The hard part in these conditions is the frozen water. Plastic water bottles are not good. Mark deformed Anna's trying to melt the ice to get a drink. 

And they were boys. They were doing some activity and somehow my tall strong son pictured above added his foot to this much younger newer scout's eye resulting in this new look. I spent a lot of time visiting with his mom last Sunday while nursing I did not realize some damage had been done to her son by mine. Oops.

They also worked on learning to ice skate. Thank goodness for a wall! John's stories about this are hilarious. he always strives to get a laugh and is witty enough to usually get some. But these stories were precious. One of their youth leaders took a bloody spill Johns retelling of that is choice.

But his story about them trying to qualify for their merit badge and slowly pushing themselves backwards on the wall, and shuffling through a scary figure 8 pattern are truly laugh worthy. 

This was MArk's first solo campout. He was a little apprehensive. He was his usual kind self and loaned his second sleeping bag to John who had to sleep by the door. So Mark was cold and John was toasty.

Another great part of scouts No MOMS! Eating out and getting to choose just what you want. In John's case expensive hot chocolate.

We have been seriously blessed by these willing leaders who trek through various temperatures and climates to give these boys experiences. We are seriously thankful for their willingness and the fun learning they give to my sons.

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