Friday, January 25, 2019

1.25.18 Tussles

Every morning is about the same. Greg wakes the kids they stumble out to the fire place warm their already warm bodies and ease into another day. The boys head out to chores the girls work on food stuff. They eat their mush, find their shoes or coat which ever hid itself and head out the door. A busy rush and then silence. Absolute silence. It is eery and refreshing. Part of me is sad at the loss of life that happens each morning, and maybe I'm just a bit poetic at the end of a long school week. 

I came to the realization possibly again as I don't have the best memory skills, that I really do like being a mom. I do in deed have a lot to mother. For good or bad, see the last post, I get to keep learning those lessons. The subjects for study and observation are constantly changing their approach. See the picture below. Neither is a small guy. Harold's back hurt for a few days following this effort.

Most days Harold is found working with his dad. He has become more confident, quicker to respond, and so much more grateful for the more relaxed pace at home. John has mostly only worked at home he loves to block out the many calls for him and to stay tucked into the pages of his book. So he got delivered. Then He and Reed got into a tussle. Reed is a tough guy! Although only about half the size of his older brothers he never misses a chance to go a round or 4 with them wrestling or chasing. 

Bruce is much too small to really present a muscle challenge. His legs are covered with bruises from running everywhere and falling. He doesn't cry much just when he discovers Anna is gone in the morning and he is searching for me.
This night I introduced he and Millie to a long lost favorite cinnamon and sugar on warm tortillas. So good. They liked them too.

While doing all this sitting doing the dreaded job, I have been thinking and interviewing other parents about college. I have learned some and been assured a lot. Our time is quickly drawing to a close with our older kids. It's hard to remember because we haven't run out of toddler tots but quickly the older ones will have served their time with us and will be on their own.
With that understanding I have been working and enjoying the older kids taking on more of the driving/running that happens here. It's odd that I haven't left my town for almost a month other than for church outings which involved going and coming straight home.

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