Monday, January 7, 2019

1.7.19 Finding Christ in Christmas

This year my Christmas was really wonderful. I was able to enjoy the specialness of the season. A few things were different but most was the same. I just finally realized this year Christmas is so much more than presents. I really worked to teach my kids this year that the things that matter most are the visits, the people we focus on and the love we work to share. Therefore the gifts, the loads of baking, the extra hours were mostly good. I really enjoyed time in the kitchen and car with my kids. they did much more of the prep. They did all the wrapping and I remembered to make the gift giving less than more. It worked great. They got nice exciting presents from each other and we enjoyed a lot of cookies, some movies, and a great holiday season with lots of people to love!

MY dad spoke in church we went to two sacrament meetings that day. The kids were put out but it was so good for me to see important people from my childhood that day. And it was good to hear him speak. 

After church it started tos now. EXCITING!

We finally got home to change into casual clothes. The new sweatshirts from Uncle Kevin are a major hit. New headband from a family friend given the night we caroled to her.

Finally home after a fulfilling day visiting and singing.

I love the various appendages that are added to most my pictures. Life is busy I have lots of people around and on me all the time. I am blessed. I kept repeating that all month. I am blessed to have so many people to love and who love me. It really helped me breath and focus.

She rolls with life so well. She is adored mostly, and is adorable. She is getting bigger by the day. 

Bruce so happy to do chores or anything with REed or Mark. Brothers are the best.

And time. We spent time reading the book of MAtthew. We spent a lot of time in the car all together. I loved most of the closeness of the month. I loved the cookies and the sweet feelings of being united in purpose and effort. I love learning and thinking about Jesus with my family.

The ward party the boys singing one song.

An early morning temple trip where we went with the other ward. It was great for John to go with some of his school friends. Always good to be in the temple with your friends and peers. WE worked to light the world. Many different approaches and acts were done. Many people surprised us with phone calls scheduling their time with us. Many had prepared treats to trade with us. Their warm smiles and hugs warmed our hearts. We have many friends!

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