Monday, January 7, 2019

1.7.19 Making History

Sunday Jan 6, 2019 was a historic day in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was the first day of the 2 hour block of church, it was also the first day that 11 year old males were given the priesthood of Aaron. Previously it had happened on their 12th birthday. Now boys can get the priesthood in January of the year they turn the age to advance. Thus Mark and John who will be 12 and 14 respectively got to be ordained this day by their father with the assistance of their grandfathers, uncle Bryce & Matt, Bishop Paul Zinie and brother Harold. It was a special time. 

We also began last week studying a new at home instruction method. We spend a few more minutes discussing and learning scriptures from the new testament then read the Book of Mormon as usual. This was a daunting challenge prior to beginning but as we have worked through the lessons day by day a piece at a time we have found it to be enlightening and not that hard. I'm impressed that even the young kids have insights and are following the instruction. I'm  thankful for the very serious questions of my older kids and striving to help them understand and to make sense of challenging questions. Like why was Eve eating the fruit a transgression and not a sin. It is rooted in agency and divine responsibility I think.
My home is blessed with protection, peace, challenge, opportunity, and agency. These boys add a dimension of fun, strength, calm, and happiness to our home. Not to mention they are reliable at doing the heavy hard jobs. I spent many hours digging and setting fence post with John and MArk over the CHristmas break they are strong guys. They have good understanding of life and right and wrong. They are kids.
 Harold is a gentle giant. He is a great blessing to Greg, working with him at the shop almost everyday. The lessons he has learned from his dad are helping him find and polish his talents. One blessing of a big family is the many personalities and interest each child pursues. These three are diverse and similar. I also spent New Years day cleaning their room with them. They did most the work. It was so rewarding to watch Harold work. I spent so many years working with him on how to clean his room. This day he was thorough, independent, and so capable. All those difficult hours had paid off!!! It was truly a joy

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